Monday, August 3, 2009

My first post

WOW, I never thought I would become a "blogger" much less someones "blog buddy". You should see the look on my wife's' face. She is so happy that I think her face is going to explode with joy. What a silly girl. I wonder if there is a way to block her from viewing my blog. ha ha (just kidding honey) But seriously IS THERE?
Anyway, I am trying to decide if I want to go to Physical Therapy school or Dental school. I have always want to be a physical therapist but the more I learn about dentistry the more it appeals to me. Today I went with Terrin Porter up to UMKC to watch him work on some dental patient. It was fun except that his instructor didn't know who I was and asked me "Are you the patients husband?" I quickly blurted out "NO!" You would have too. The lady looked like one of the witches off of the movie Hockus Pockus. The fat one to be exact. I was really offended. But other then that it was alright. I even got to watch a girl get two of her teeth pulled in oral surgery. That was pretty cool. There wasn't as much blood as I thought there would be. Well, I guess this is it for my first blog.


  1. Yeah, what she said.

    I'll be your biggest blog fan (next to your wife)

  2. Roman and i are so proud of you! you are going to regret making fun of me!!! hahahaha<--- (evil laugh!)
